Sunday, September 25, 2011

be free

  1. For in craving pleasure or in nursing pain
    There is only sorrow.
  2. Fresh milk takes time to sour.
    So a fool's mischief
    Takes time to catch up with him.
    Like the embers of a fire
    It smoulders within him.
  3. With gentleness overcome anger.
    With generosity overcome meanness.
    With truth overcome deceit.
  4. Follow the way of virtue.
    Follow the way joyfully
    Through this world and on beyond!
  5. It is better to do nothing
    Than to do what is wrong.
    For whatever you do, you do to yourself.
  6. Master your senses,
    What you taste and smell,
    What you see, what you hear.
    In all things be a master.
    Of what you do and say and think.
    Be free.

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