Tuesday, September 13, 2011

free yourself and be pure

  1. Your worst enemy cannot harm you
    As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
    But once mastered,
    No one can help you as much,
    Not even your father or your mother.
  2. The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
    Temptation cannot touch the man
    Who is awake, strong and humble,
    Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
  3. Does the spoon taste the soup?
    A fool may live all his life
    In the company of a master
    And still miss the way.
  4. The greatest impurity is ignorance.
    Free yourself from it.
    Be pure.
  5. Thirty-six streams are rushing toward you!
    Desire and pleasure and lust...
    Play in your imagination with them
    And they will sweep you away.
  6. If you are filled with desire
    Your sorrows swell
    Like the grass after the rain.
    But if you subdue desire
    Your sorrows shall fall from you
    Like drops of water from a lotus flower.

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