Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sri Ramakrishna Quotes and Sayings

Ramakrishna Paramhansa is an enlightened master from 18th century, born in India.
Sri Ramakrishna had practiced each religion for a time – Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.
Furthermore, He also followed the paths of the Saktas, Vaishnavas, and Vedantists.
In the end, He realized that there is only one God and
all these paths are different ways to attain to the same god.
Sri Ramakrishna was an devotee of Hindu Goddess Deity 'Mother Kali'
and path of devotion was natural and spontaneous to Him.
He used to go into samadhi state while worshipping mother kali.
In the later years, sometimes by just hearing the name of God,

He used to go into trance state.
He mainly advocated the path of devotion to his disciples.
According to Him, in the present time which Hindus call as Kaliyoga,
Path of devotion is best suited for human beings.
Sri Ramakrishna paramhansa main disciple was Swami Vivekananda
who took His Master teachings to the west.
Sri Ramakrishna life and teachings are recorded in the book "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna".
This is a very beautiful book to know more about Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
teachings to his disciples and householders.
Sri Ramakrishna sayings are very simple and easy to understand.
Although these sayings are simple but they carry very profound wisdom.
We hope that these selected quotations of Sri Ramakrishna help you in your inner search.

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