see and follow see and follow see and follow ::::::::: INNERLIGHT and INNERSOUND
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Watch the inner enemies, Meditate on the inner enemies
There is no need to fight with others — it is a sheer wastage of
energy. There are many things inside we have to fight against: the ego,
greed, violence, ambitiousness, possessiveness, and so on, so forth.
These are the real enemies — fight with them. And the art of fighting
with them is meditation.
Watch them, be aware of them, because there are a few things which
simply disappear by watching. If you can be aware of your anger the
anger will disappear. Try it and you will be surprised. Just watch it
arising, see the cloud surrounding you, trying to pull you in, making
every effort to seduce you. Just remain aloof, a watcher on the hills,
far away, just a witness and you will be surprised; within minutes the
cloud is gone. And when the cloud of anger goes without affecting you,
you fall into such a beautiful silence which you may not have known
before at all. It is the silence that follows the storm. It is really
penetrating, it goes to the deepest core of your being. It is a great
nourishment for the soul.
So watch the inner enemies, meditate on the inner enemies, and
slowly slowly they start dying of their own accord. A moment comes when
you are there and there is nothing to watch. A contentless
consciousness — that is the ultimate peak of meditation. You have won,
you are victorious.
In India we have called this state the state of a jina, one who has
conquered. We have called Mahavira, the Jina; Jina means one who has
conquered. And we have called Siddharth Gautama, the Buddha — one who
has become fully aware. But these are two aspects of the same coin: you
become aware and you become a conqueror. You can become a conqueror
only if you become aware!
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