Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Heraclitus Quotes

(Herakleitos was an mystic from Greece, contemporary of Gautam Buddha)
  1. Wisdom consist in speaking and acting the truth.
  2. Much learning does not teach understanding.
  3. All things come in their due seasons.
  4. You cannot step twice in the same river.
  5. What is divine escapes men's notice
    because of their incredulity.
  6. One should not act or speak
    as if he were asleep.
  7. Men are as forgetful and heedless
    in their waking moments
    of what is going on around them
    as they are during their sleep.
  8. Seekers after gold
    dig up much earth and find little.
  9. How can anyone hide from that which never sets?
  10. Everything flows and nothing abides.
    Everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.
  11. Nature loves to hide.
  12. The Sun is new each day.

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