- First is the purification of the mind.
Afterwards, if you direct the mind to the
contemplation of God, it will be coloured by
God-Consciousness. Again, if you direct the mind
to worldly duties, such as the acting of a play,
it will be coloured by worldliness.
- It is all a question of the mind. Bondage
and liberation are of the mind alone. The mind
will take the colour you dye it with. It is like
white clothes just returned from the laundry. If
you dip them in red dye, they will be red. If
you dip them in blue or green, they will be blue
or green. They will take only the colour you dip
them in, whatever it may be.
- A man cannot see God unless he gives his
whole mind to Him. The mind is wasted on 'woman
and gold'.
- Live in the world but keep the pitcher
steady on your head; that is to say, keep the
mind firmly on God.
- One finds peace of mind in the company of
holy men.
- God cannot be known by the sense-organs or
by this mind; but He can be known by the pure
mind, the mind that is free from worldiy
- The thing is somehow to unite the mind with
God. You must not forget Him, not even once.
Your thought of Him should be like the flow of
oil, without any interruption. If you worship
with love even a brick or stone as God, then
through His grace you can see Him.
- You will feel restless for God when your
heart becomes pure and your mind free from
attachment to the things of the world. Then
alone will your prayer reach God. A telegraph
wire cannot carry messages if it has a break or
some other defect.
- The mind is like milk. If you keep the mind
in the world, which is like water, then the milk
and water will get mixed. That is why people
keep milk in a quiet place and let it set into
curd, and then churn butter from it. Likewise,
through spiritual discipline practised in
solitude, churn the butter of knowledge and
devotion from the milk of the mind. Then that
butter can easily be kept in the water of the
world. It will not get mixed with the world. The
mind will float detached on the water of the
- One must live in holy company and pray
unceasingly. One should weep for God. When the
impurities of the mind are thus washed away, one
realizes God. The mind is like a needle covered
with mud, and God is like a magnet. The needle
cannot be united with the magnet unless it is
free from mud. Tears wash away the mud, which is
nothing but lust, anger, greed, and other evil
tendencies, and the inclination to worldly
enjoyments as well. As soon as the mud is washed
away, the magnet attracts the needle, that is to
say, man realizes God.
- There is a big difference between a scholar
and a holy man. The mind of a mere scholar is
fixed on 'woman and gold', but the sadhu's mind
is on the Lotus Feet of Hari. A scholar says one
thing and does another. But it is quite a
different matter with a sadhu. The words and
actions of a man who has given his mind to the
Lotus Feet of God are altogether different.
- Man becomes pure by repeating the name of God. Therefore one should practise the chanting of God's name. I said to Jadu Mallick's mother: 'In the hour of death you will think only of worldly thingsāof family, children, executing the will, and so forth. The thought of God will not come to your mind. The way to remember God in the hour of death is to practise, now, the repetition of His name and the chanting of His glories. If one keeps up this practice, then in the hour of death one will repeat the name of God. When the cat pounces upon the bird, the bird only squawks and does not say, 'Rama, Rama, Hare-Krishna'.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Ramakrishna Quotes on Mind
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