Tuesday, September 13, 2011

free from fear and attachment

  1. The fragrance of sandalwood and rosebay
    Does not travel far.
    But the fragrance of virtue
    Rises to the heavens.
  2. Live joyfully,
    Without desire.
  3. Free from fear and attachment,
    Know the sweet joy of the way.
    How joyful to look upon the awakened
    And to keep company with the wise.
    How long the road to the man
    Who travels the road with the fool.
  4. Your work is to discover your work
    And then with all your heart
    To give yourself to it..
  5. Few cross over the river.
    Most are stranded on this side.
    On the riverbank they run up and down.
    But the wise man, following the way,
    Crosses over, beyond the reach of death.
  6. The masters only point the way.
    But if you meditate
    And follow the dharma
    You will free yourself from desire.

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