Tuesday, September 13, 2011

gray hairs do not make a master.

  1. Desire never crosses the path
    Of virtuous and wakeful men.
  2. Can you hide from your own mischief.
    Not in the sky,
    Not in the midst of the ocean,
    Nor deep in the mountains,
  3. Cross over to the father shore,
    Beyond life and death.
    Do your thoughts trouble you?
    Does passion disturb you?
    Beware of this thirstiness
    Lest your wishes become desires
    And desire binds you.
    Quieten your mind.
  4. If the traveller cannot find
    Master or friend to go with him,
    Let him travel alone
    Rather than with a fool for company.
  5. How easy it is to see your brother's faults,
    How hard it is to face your own.
  6. Gray hairs do not make a master.
    A man may grow old in vain.

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