Sunday, September 25, 2011

Love life, be more happy

  1. Spirituality is not a sensational experience -- it is maturity, it is let-go, it is becoming desire less.
  2. If you love, you will find so many occasions to be loving. If you are afraid, you will find so many occasions to be afraid.
  3. Awareness is just being with yourself in utter aloneness, just being alert. It is not a relationship, the other is not needed at all. It is not outgoing, it is ingoing.
  4. The knowledgeable person lives in his memory, in the past. The wise man lives in the present, not in his memory but in his awareness this very moment.
  5. Life is not a fasting, it is a continuous feast -- a celebration, a festival of lights. Love transforms your life into a festival of lights. And unless your life becomes a feast and a festival, remember: you have not done the thing you have come for on this earth.
  6. Love life, be more happy. God can come only to a happy soul. Only when you are utterly happy is there a possibility, otherwise not -- because misery closes you, bliss opens you up. Have you not watched it, observed it, in your own life? Whenever you are miserable you become closed; a hard shell surrounds you. You start protecting yourself, you surround yourself with a great arm our -- because you know you already have so much pain, you cannot afford any more hurt from anywhere. You have to harden your surface.
  7. Remember, watching is the only key. Observation is meditation -- there is nothing more to meditation; it is another name for being aware. And the miracle is that when you become aware of something, utterly aware, it disappears. It remains only if you are unaware. Your unawareness is a food for distraction, for indolence. Your awareness means they are no longer being fed, they start starving. Sooner or later they wither away of their own accord.

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