Thursday, September 29, 2011

wake up

  1. Remember, frustration is out of expectation, and ego is always expecting. The ego is a beggar.
  2. Misery comes because we choose. Bliss is when we don't choose.
  3. All desires are a nag, they go on nagging you, they go on forcing you, they go on goading you. You can't have a moment of rest, you can't be relaxed -- all those desires are there. Rest, relaxation, is known only by those who have understood the art of being desireless.
  4. My work here is not to comfort you, is not to console you, is not to sing a lullaby by the side of your bed. My work is to wake you up.
  5. Categories are created by the mind. Appreciation and condemnation are of the mind. Once mind is not there, everything is in its reality as it is. No evaluation arises. One makes everything untrue if one is untrue. You go on projecting yourself -- everything else functions as a screen.
  6. A follower is never ready for insecurity; he comes to a guru, to a master, to seek protection, shelter, to hide behind him. He is seeking a father figure. A disciple is seeking a master, not a father figure. He wants to learn what life is. Even if life is insecurity, he is ready to learn. Even if life implies death, he is ready to learn.
  7. Mind is a kind of insanity because it is carrying so many impressions which are conflicting, contradictory. It has got impressions from your mother, and also from your father; and they were both fighting continuously, and they both have given their minds and heritage to you. It has got impressions from the neighbors, it has got impressions from so many teachers in the school, in the college, in the university. It is a crowd of unrelated, irrelevant, inconsistent thoughts -- it does not have any organic unity. It is a miracle that somehow you go on keeping yourself together.

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