Sunday, September 4, 2011

natural organic movement

  1. Simply watch the coming and going of the breath as you watch a cloud or a bird. You will see that your breathing is full attention. In letting it simply function your breath will come to its natural organic movement.
  2. Look at your body as if it belong to another. Then you will have a glimpse of freedom from the burden of it, a moment of psychological space. Become interested in this feeling of freedom, and it will be effortlessly sustained.
  3. We always strive to find ourselves in relation to objects, we constantly want to choose, master, arrange, classify, qualify. This is a tremendous waste of energy.
  4. Observe the way your mind moves, works, without having any preconceived ideas about it. A moment will come when you discover yourself to be the witness. Subsequently, when all striving has left you, you will realise that you are the light shining beyond the observer. Reality is neither a product of the mind nor the reuslt of a whole train of thoughts, it just is. The only methodwe can suggest is to observe impartially the way in which your mind reacts in the different circumstances of everyday life.
  5. Concentration only gives rise to a fixation, imprisoned like a canary in a cage. Silent awareness is beyond dispersion and concentration.
  6. Expectation is like the carpet preventing us from seeing the floor simply because we are so used to seeing the carpet. The day we send it away to be cleaned, its absence allows us to see the floor.
  7. If the ego is in the slightest way separated from its source, it yearns to find it again. This search comes from the remembrance of unity and plenitude. As every experience emanates from the non-experience which is our real being, and me also bears the scent of its source. this remembering is awakened through those moments of desirelessness and in deep sleep.
  8. First of all you must realize that nobody lives, precious life. It is the mistaken belief that there is a personality alive which drives you to load for security and objects, to maintain a feeling of continuity, to try and dominate life. The idea being that they were of your actions is the one and only pitfall preventing you from really living.

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