Sunday, September 4, 2011

meditation is from moment to moment

  1. Welcome life as it comes; don't emphasize the world but change your attitude towards it.
  2. The witness is only a crutch to bring you to understand that you are not the doer.
  3. The image of being somebody is very deeply rooted. It stimulates insecurity, but even this insecurity provides a hold for the ego. Let it go.
  4. Ultimately there is no longer a subject who sees nor an object which is seen. There is only oneness. That is what I come here to communicate.
  5. When you think there is something to meditate on, you only meditate on what you know already, so you turn in a vicious circle. In reality, meditation is from moment to moment; it is your background, it is the light behind all perceptions. It gives life to all perceptions; it gives reality to all that is perceived. You can never understand what meditation is or what God is, what love is or what peace or freedom is; it is beyond the mind.
  6. You must turn to this personal background as often as the opportunity beckons. Take note that your attention is constantly turned either towards objects or to ideas. A sense of being without qualification is completely unknown to. Become the spectator, become aware of the natural flow of your life, your motives, actions and what results from them.
  7. The world exists only when we think about it; creation stories are for children. In reality the world is created every moment.
  8. The ego is nothing the memory, a set of definitions which are limiting. He strongly believe in these patterns you have yourself brought about and you mechanically repeat them.
  9. [We free ourselves] By awareness, free from all reference to the past, free from bodily or psychological habits, free from choice and repetition. It is a door open to spontaneous understanding and having nothing to do with mental activity. Instantaneous total vision consumes error. The energy which previously constituted the error shitfs away from it and integrates with truth that is being. The ego striving to survive either clings on to its accumulated memories, or projects desires into the future, thus using up a considerabhle amount of energy.

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