Tuesday, September 13, 2011

never speak harsh words

  1. In every trial
    Let understanding fight for you
  2. By your own folly
    You will be brought as low
    As you worst enemy wishes.
  3. Never speak harsh words
    For they will rebound upon you.
    Angry words hurt
    And the hurt rebounds.
    Like a broken gong.
  4. Better than a thousand hollow words
    Is one word that brings peace.
    Better than a thousand hollow verses
    Is one verse that brings peace.
    Better than a hundred hollow lines
    Is one line of the dharma, bringing peace.
  5. You are far from the end of your journey.
    The way is not in the sky.
    The way is in the heart.
    See how you love
  6. If you kill, lie or steal,
    Commit adultery or drink,
    You dig up your own roots.
    And if you cannot master yourself,
    The harm you do turns against you Grievously.

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