Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the true master lives in truth

  1. Speak or act with an impure mind,
    And trouble will follow you.
  2. Health, contentment and trust
    Are your greatest possessions,
    And freedom your greatest joy.
    Look within.
    Be still.
  3. Free from passion and desire,
    You have stripped the thorns from the stem.
  4. As the moon slips from behind a cloud
    And shines,
    So the master comes out from behind his ignorance
    And shines.
  5. You are a seeker.
    Delight in the mastery
    Of your hands and your feet,
    Of your words and your thoughts.
    Delight in meditation
    And in solitude.
  6. The true master lives in truth,
    In goodness and restraint,
    Non-violence, moderation and purity.

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