Friday, November 4, 2011

Sai Baba

  1. When you feel you cannot do good, at least desist from doing evil.
  2. One can be in the World but yet unaffected.
  3. The greatest fear man can have is the fear of losing GOD's Love.
  4. When the magnet does not attract the needle, the fault lies in the dirt that covers up the needle.
  5. The only ache people have nowadays is ache in the stomach due to over eating and lack of exercise!
  6. GOD is ONE without a second.
  7. Learn to speak what you feel, and act what you speak.
  8. Have faith in His Grace and lead a virtuous life, a life devoted to the service of the weak; a life spent in the thought about the might and glory of God.
  9. Mine, not thine; this sense of greed is the root of all evil. This distinction is applied even to GOD! -- my GOD, not yours! Your GOD, not mine!
  10. Start the Day with Love;
    Spend the Day with Love;
    Fill the Day with Love;
    End the Day with Love;
    This is the way to God.
  11. All things in creation are subject to the law of change, and man, too, is subject to this law.
  12. THE World is a furnace and a factory where man has to shape his destiny by his honest, untiring effort. He, who takes up this challenge and spends his allotted years and the skills and intelligence with which he is endowed, in purposeful activity, is really entitled to the status of a KARMA YOGI.

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