Friday, November 4, 2011

Sai Baba

  1. The grace of GOD is like insurance. It will help you in your time of need without any limit.
  2. LOVE is the scarcest article today.
  3. A man's well-being depends upon his degree of contentment.
  4. Our relationships are heart to heart relationships. Ours is a business of love, not a business of money or materials.
  5. When you kill an animal, you give him suffering, pain, harm. GOD is in every creature, so how can you give such pain?
  6. Too much food results in dullness of mind.
  7. There is only one royal road for the spiritual journey...Love
  8. Prayer must emanate from the heart, where God resides, and not from the head where doctrines and doubts clash.
  9. By peace, western countries mean the interval between two wars. That is no peace! When man thinks, speaks, and does good - peace will ensue.
  10. God will not ask you when and where you did service? He will ask, with what motive did you do it? What was the intention that prompted you? You may weigh the service and boast of its quantity. But God seeks quality - the quality of heart, the purity of mind, the holiness of motive.
  11. I WANT each one of you to grow into a strong, steady and straight person. Your eyes should not seek evil sights; your ears should not seek evil tales; your tongue should not seek evil speech; your hands should not seek evil acts; your minds should not seek evil thoughts. Be pure and be full of Love. Help those who are in a worse condition and serve those who need your help.

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