Friday, November 4, 2011

Sai Baba

  1. By eating flesh one develops violent tendencies and animal diseases.
  2. Man will realize his mission on earth when he knows himself as divine and reveres others as divine.
  3. True love expands the self; attachment contracts it.
  4. A language is as sweet as the tongues of the speakers.
  5. Every experience that is drawn through any of the senses has an effect on one's health.
  6. Watch your Words, Action, Thoughts, Character and Heart.
  7. Entering on this path of truth, traversing the road of Jnaana (spiritual wisdom), merge yourself in the Divine.
  8. Treat all as your own self. Do not have a double standard.
  9. You have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory; you are a wave of that Ocean of Bliss; you will get peace only when you again merge in Him.
  10. It is not what you have achieved that is important. It is the broadness of heart that has motivated you to do work that counts. Being broad minded with a selfless attitude, humility and obedience, you should try to share the difficulties of others around you. It is the purity of heart that is more important than the magnitude of the work itself.
  11. A person might appear poor, distressed, and depressed to ordinary mortals; he might not have the exterior demonstration of devotion, but God could be ever installed in his heart, guiding and guarding him. He might be doing all acts as acts of worship to the God residing in his heart.

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