Monday, November 14, 2011

Vimala Thakar Sayings

  1. A calmness prevails when the attention is turned inwards. A relaxation is experienced when the thought-process comes to an end.
  2. Meditation –DHYANAM is a romance with the unknown.
  3. Persons suffering from physical troubles will find it difficult to sustain the depth of meditation or total awareness. One has to be very alert to see that the nervous and the muscular system are supple and healthy. Rigidity means dis-ease. No part of the body should be allowed to degenerate into rigidity. By proper exercises one can keep every fibre of the physical organism in health. Health is beauty.
  4. The art of living is to live completely in the moment, not carrying any residue over to next incident, person or day.
  5. Every movement of body, mind and speech consumes energy. Every thought, emotion and ideation consumes vital energy. Every spoken word consumes vital energy.
  6. One eats only when it is necessary to keep the body in health. One eats only what keeps the body and mind in health and beauty. Misuse of the palate is responsible for most of the physical ailments.
  7. As soon as the mind begins moving and says: “I like” or “I dislike” what it sees, there is a disturbance, a burdening of the mind and the role of the observer is lost and you are once more immersed into the roles of an experiencer and actor. If you do not react to the thoughts you are observing, if they no longer have the power to elicit any reaction from you then they will subside of their own accord.
  8. All our emotions and thoughts are conditioned reflexes, reactions. This non-identification with ones reactions ... brings about a sudden change in the level of consciousness. This non-identification with the subconscious world, non-identification with the momentum of the whole subconscious and unconscious results in creative silence. The creative alternative is to refuse to identify oneself with the mind. This cannot blossom in a day, if we do not know what mind is.
  9. To surrender all activity to the emptiness requires courage. Man must be able to stick it out and not to run away from this state, he must be able to digest it. After all, what is there to be afraid of? It is a fact of the organic Reality of Life.

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