Sunday, February 12, 2012

Buddha Quotations and Sayings

  • The fool is his own enemy.
    The mischief is his undoing.
    How bitterly he suffers!
  • Turn away from mischief.
    Again and again, turn away.
    Before sorrow befalls you.
    Set your heart on doing good.
  • Do not look for bad company
    Or live with men who do not care.
    Find friends who love the truth.
    Drink deeply.
    Live in serenity and joy.

  • Never speak harsh words
    For they will rebound upon you.
    Angry words hurt
    And the hurt rebounds.
    Like a broken gong.
  • Free from passion and desire,
    You have stripped the thorns from the stem.
  • The man who awakes and follows the way.
    They are free from fear.
    They are free.
    They have crossed over the river of sorrow.
  • Let go of anger.
    Let go of pride.
    When you are bound by nothing
    You go beyond sorrow.
  • The wise have mastered
    Body, word and mind.

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