Sunday, February 12, 2012

Buddha Quotes and Sayings

  • Does the spoon taste the soup?
    A fool may live all his life
    In the company of a master
    And still miss the way.
  • Be quick to do good.
    If you are slow,
    The mind, delighting in mischief,
    Will catch you.
  • Happiness or sorrow -
    Whatever befalls you, Walk on
    Untouched, unattached.

  • Cross over to the father shore,
    Beyond life and death.
    Do your thoughts trouble you?
    Does passion disturb you?
    Beware of this thirstiness
    Lest your wishes become desires
    And desire binds you.
    Quieten your mind.
  • Your work is to discover your work
    And then with all your heart
    To give yourself to it..
  • Do not live in the world,
    In distraction and false dreams.
    Outside the dharma.
  • With gentleness overcome anger.
    With generosity overcome meanness.
    With truth overcome deceit.
  • Beware of the anger of the body.
    Master the body.
    Let it serve truth.

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