Sunday, February 12, 2012

Buddha Quotes and Sayings

  • If you kill, lie or steal,
    Commit adultery or drink,
    You dig up your own roots.
    And if you cannot master yourself,
    The harm you do turns against you Grievously.
  • The true master lives in truth,
    In goodness and restraint,
    Non-violence, moderation and purity.
  • You are the source
    Of all purity and impurity.

  • Seeker!
    Do not be restless.
    Meditate constantly.
  • If he is a good man,
    A man of faith, honoured and prosperous,
    Wherever he goes he is welcome.
    Like the Himalayas
    Good men shine from afar.
    But bad men move unseen
    Like arrows in the night.
  • If the traveller can find
    A virtuous and wise companion
    Let him go with him joyfully
    And overcome the dangers of the way.
  • But if you cannot find
    Friend or master to go with you,
    Travel on alone -
    Like a king who has given away his kingdom,
    Like an elephant in the forest.
    Travel on alone
  • Thirty-six streams are rushing toward you!
    Desire and pleasure and lust...
    Play in your imagination with them
    And they will sweep you away.

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