Sunday, February 12, 2012

Buddha Sayings and Quotes

  • Be the witness of your thoughts.
  • Gray hairs do not make a master.
    A man may grow old in vain.
  • The masters only point the way.
    But if you meditate
    And follow the dharma
    You will free yourself from desire.

  • You are reckless, and desire grows.
    But the master is wakeful.
    He watches his body.
    In all his actions he discriminates,
    And he becomes pure.
    He is without blame
  • It is better to do nothing
    Than to do what is wrong.
    For whatever you do, you do to yourself.
  • If you sleep,
    Desire grows in you
    Like a vine in the forest.
    Like a monkey in the forest
    You jump from tree to tree,
    Never finding the fruit -
    From life to life,
    Never finding peace.
  • Weeds choke the field.
    Passion poisons the nature of man
  • Give thanks
    For what had been given to you,
    However little.
    Be pure, never falter.
    You have no name and no form.
    Why miss what you do not have?
    The seeker is not sorry.

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