Sunday, February 26, 2012

Swami Rajneesh Quotes

  • you don't need anything except yourself and your totality
  • the greater the opposition of the ida and the pingula
    the greater the attraction and pull towards the centre sushumna
  • going beyond the mind…is not dropping the mind
    it is going beyond the mind…into a state of no mind
  • love yourself…accept yourself…be yourself
    these qualities will create for the first time
    an individual whose inner flame is undividable
    a great pool of energy will gather and surround you
    with this an inner trust will arise from within you
  • satori is the atomic explosion of any one chakra
    the chakra experiencing an immense overflowing
    reaching beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form
    one with the open sky
  • people keep planning their lives
    searching security and comfort
    this silence is the only security i know
    those who can understand will understand
  • Therapies can work on your body.
    They can work on your mind.
    They can work on your emotions.
    you are not the body
    you are not the mind
    you are not the emotions
    so what is therapy doing
    Meditativeness, Meditation are not the body mind emotion

  • just accept yourself exactly how you are
    and the struggle will disappear
    and your energy will become a vast reservoir of love
    settled and relaxed
    then you can listen deeply
    and trust your inner being

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