Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mahatma Gandhi Sayings and Quotes

  1. When the ego dies, the soul awakes.
  2. A calculating mind cannot attain self - realization.
  3. God ever dwells in the hearts of all and He will vouchsafe to us the right guidance, if only we have faith in Him.
  4. If we eat only to sustain the body as an instrument of His service, not only will it make our bodies and minds healthy and clean, but the inner cleanliness will be reflected in our surroundings also.
  5. Even a little untruth ruins a man, as a drop of poison ruins milk.
  6. I wish I could persuade every one to see that violence is suicide.
  7. Sorrow is but another aspect of joy. Hence, the one invariably follows the other.
  8. A man has first to give up everything that tends to excite or stimulate his passion and then to wait upon God for help.
  9. God does not always allow us to do what we think is the best. I suppose we don't always know what is best.
  10. In Prophet's (Mohammed) words, minority of two, when it has God on its side, can face overwhelming numbers with confidence and hope.
  11. We must be content to die, if we cannot live as free men and women.
  12. We cannot realise Rama by reading the Ramayana, or Krishna by reading the Gita, or Allah by reading the Koran, or Christ by reading the Bible; the only means of realising them is by developing a pure and noble character. Character is based on virtuous action and virtuous action is grounded on Truth. Truth, then, is the source and foundation of all things that are good and great. Hence, fearless and unflinching pursuit of the ideal of Truth and Righteousness is the key of true health as of all else.

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