Monday, April 16, 2012

Lao Tzu Sayings

  • If you are content
    You will always have enough.
  • Greatness has its source in the little.
    The low is the foundation of the high.
  • Trying to fill life to the brim invites a curse.
    For the mind to make demands upon the breath of life brings strain.
  • If you would assist leaders of people by way of the Tao,
    you will oppose the use of armed force to overpower the world.
  • The True Person benefits yet expects no reward,
    does the work and moves on.
    There is no desire to be considered better than others.
  • Good words are appreciated.
    Good deeds are accepted as gifts.
  • The Tao is hidden and nameless;
    yet, it is the Tao alone that supports all things
    and brings them to completion.
  • How did the sea gain kingship of a hundred streams?
    Because it takes the lower position.
    Hence, it is king of a hundred streams.
  • Returning is the direction of the Tao.
    Yielding is the way of the Tao.
    The ten thousand things are born of Being
    and Being is born of Nonbeing.
  • A skilled warrior does not rush ahead of others
    A skilled fighter does not make a show of anger.
    A skilled victor does not seek revenge.
    A skilled employer does not act superior.
  • Heaven and earth last forever.
    The reason why heaven and earth last forever
    is that they do not live for themselves.
    Hence, they last forever.
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