Thursday, September 29, 2011

you are the truth

  1. A dewdrop slipping from a lotus leaf is the situation of a disciple.
  2. Reverence for life says share, give your joy, your love, your peace, your bliss. Whatsoever you can share, share. If you are reverent towards life then it becomes a worship. Then everywhere you feel God alive. Then watching a tree becomes worship. Then feeding a guest becomes worship.
  3. My whole work is to demolish, to demolish all the lies that are surrounding you and not to replace them by anything else, but to leave you utterly naked in your aloneness. To me, only in your aloneness will you be able to know the truth -- because you are the truth.
  4. Each child comes with a tremendous intelligence but the family makes him mediocre, because to live with an intelligent child is troublesome. He doubts, he is skeptical, he inquires, he is disobedient, he is rebellious -- and the family wants somebody who is obedient, ready to follow, imitate. Hence from the very beginning the seed of intelligence has to be destroyed, almost completely burnt, so there is no possibility of any sprouts coming out of it.
  5. Man is miserable because man has learned the tricks to be miserable. Ego is the base of it.
  6. The whole life people simply go on saving, saving -- for what? The life is slipping by; each moment a precious moment is gone and it cannot be reclaimed. Buddha says: Don't waste it in foolish things. Fame is foolish, it is pointless, meaningless. Even if the whole world knows you, how does it make you richer? How does it make your life more blissful? How does it help you to be more understanding? to be more aware? to be more alert? to be more alive?
  7. Sexuality is possible without any understanding, without any meditation. Love is possible only with understanding. Compassion is possible only with understanding and meditation, understanding and awareness. Not only do you understand and respect the other person, but you have come to your deepest core of being. Seeing your own deepest core, you have become capable of seeing the deepest core in the other also. Now the other does not exist as a body or a mind; the other exists as a soul. And souls are not separate. Your soul and my soul are one.

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