Monday, November 14, 2011

Vimala Thakar Quotes and Sayings

  1. All our emotions and thoughts are conditioned reflexes, reactions.
  2. Self-education begins by watching how we are using the energy and learning how not to waste it through.
  3. If I am aware of the nature of my reactions, and movement of my reactions, naturally that awareness will result in freedom from the reaction.
  4. Through observation thoughts subside, hence the strain and pressure they cause on the neurological and chemical systems is also lifted. It is this tension that brings about anti-social behaviour.
  5. Whether you try to influence the mind through ideas and concepts, or through discipline and vows, or through drugs, you are trying to stimulate artificially a state of silence. Perhaps if we are friendly with the mind, if we watch the mind, if we understand the mind, if we let it wander, let it roam about wherever it wants, let it exhaust its momentum by wandering, without scolding, without praising, without
     condemning it might exhaust its momentum and arrive at the simple innocent silence.
  6. Meditation is relaxation in action. Only that person can act out of his total being, who acts in relaxation. Tensions, fears and worries create inhibitions. A person who lives in constant conflict and tension starts seeking relaxation outside his daily life. He seeks silence outside his skin. He seeks perfection outside his daily relationships. We should be vigilant not to become victims of such unholy temptations. To penetrate through the daily routine and relationships; to understand them and to undergo a transformation through that understanding is the creative way of meditation.
  7. One has to see that one does not waste the precious energy unwarrantedly. The energy that is built-in in childhood and youth is our capital. It should be conserved and used with care and concern.
  8. A spontaneous cessation of mental activity releases an absolutely new and dynamic energy. Silence increases the sensitivity of the total being. It refreshes the nervous system in an astounding way. As you come out totally replenished when you have had profound and innocent sleep, So do you come out totally renewed when you have had ceased to function through the ego in the hour of silence.
  9. One of the by-products of the state of dhyan is that fearlessness is awakened. Fearlessness is very different from bravery. Bravery is an attribute of the mind, which can be and has been cultivated by the state, religion and family for their own purpose, but it is an attribute that can also be lost. Once fearlessness is awakened it can never be extinguished, fear no longer enters the mind. Fearlessness is awakened when man has faith either in his own understanding or has faith in the Universal Intelligence.
  10. In the dimension of dhyan (meditation) you have let the activities of the mind come to an end.

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