Sunday, September 25, 2011

enjoy everything that is natural

  1. Look at this mind. Look at its desires. Watch, become aware.
  2. Life needs continuous growth. The moment you stop its growth, it starts dying. So go into the world full of songs, full of dance and abundant love, and give it unconditionally, without any judgment, to anybody who is receptive -- and you will go on growing in the experience both deeper and higher.
  3. Unless life is a celebration you have lived in vain. Unless life turns into a Gautam Buddha you have been wasting a tremendous opportunity given to you by existence.
  4. Encounter every situation with your total consciousness, without any guilt. Enjoy music, enjoy food, enjoy love -- enjoy everything that is natural.
  5. The real thing is that you are suffering from your expectations. When they are not fulfilled -- and they are never going to be fulfilled -- frustration arises, failure arises, and you feel neglected, as if existence does not care for you. Drop expectations for the future. Remain open, remain available to whatsoever happens, but don't plan ahead. Don't make any psychological, fixed ideas about the future -- that things should be like this -- and much more suffering will disappear.
  6. Passion is obsession, neurosis. Compassion is when your energy has flowered. You are so contented within yourself, you are so enough unto yourself, now you can share, you can shower your bliss. Now you HAVE to give. Neurosis is when you go on demanding and nobody is ready to give to you, and you are a hungry ghost. Your demands are great, and all that the world provides is just peanuts.
  7. The moment you desire for happiness, you have moved away from the present, you have moved away from the existential, you have already moved into the future -- which is nowhere, which has not come yet. You have moved in a dream. Now, dreams can never be fulfilling. Your desire for happiness is a dream. The dream is unreal. Through the unreal, nobody has ever been able to reach to the real. You have taken a wrong train.

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