Thursday, September 29, 2011

free from passion

  1. A real man has no nostalgia at all. He never looks back because it is no longer there. He lives in the moment and remains open for the future. The present is his, and the present makes him capable of receiving the future. His doors are always open for the wind, for the rain, for the sun. He is an opening.
  2. The danger is not to live in totality and intensity, not to make your life a dance, a celebration.
  3. To me, to be innocent is all that is to be achieved. Be innocent, and the divine is always blissfully flowing towards you. Innocence is the capacity to receive, to be part of the divine. Be innocent, and the guest is there. Become the host.
  4. When the mind is free of passion, the mind is free. Freedom means freedom from passion. And only a free mind can see what is real. Only a free mind -- free from passions -- can see what is here.
  5. A mind full of consciousness will be empty of all contents. He will be neither a Christian nor a Hindu nor a Jew. He will not be a moral man nor an immoral man. He will simply be. That being, that be-ness, is purity. That's what I call primal innocence. Then all dust is washed and you are just a reflective force.
  6. Meditation has to happen first, then character comes as a shadow to it. And if meditation does not happen, then your character is just a hypocrisy and nothing else. Your saints are great hypocrites; they say one thing, they think another, maybe just the opposite. They do one thing, but they want to do something exactly the opposite. On the surface they show one thing, but deep down they are just its contrary.
  7. If you can allow your flame of life to reach the third eye, you will see there is no death. And you will suddenly see that you are no more attached to the world.

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