Sunday, September 25, 2011

give thanks

  1. The wise man tells you
    Where you have fallen
    And where you yet may fall - Invaluable secrets!
    Follow him, follow the way.
  2. Do not look for bad company
    Or live with men who do not care.
    Find friends who love the truth.
    Drink deeply.
    Live in serenity and joy.
  3. How long the night to the watchman,
    How long the road to the weary traveller,
    How long the wandering of many lives
    To the fool who misses the way.
  4. If you are happy
    At the expense of another man's happiness,
    You are forever bound.
  5. Give thanks
    For what had been given to you,
    However little.
    Be pure, never falter.
    You have no name and no form.
    Why miss what you do not have?
    The seeker is not sorry.
  6. You are the source
    Of all purity and impurity.

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