Wednesday, July 20, 2011

5 things that you can do today to make life better...!!!

5 Things to Do for Yourself Today

Claire Louise Hay
Posted July 19, 2011 by Claire Louise Hay
by Claire Louise Hay

Sometimes my guides ask me to write something and this morning they had me pick 5 cards out and when I saw them I realised that they wanted me to write about 5 things that you can do today to make life better!

1. Appreciate yourself.
Write a list of all the things that you love about yourself. Add to that list all the things that you have that you are grateful for in your life. Get into this amazing feeling place of loving and appreciating yourself for everything that you have created in your life and all that you are.

2. Communicate it to yourself.
Stand in front of a mirror with your list and tell yourself. For each entry on your list, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself how great you are for each thing on that list. Keep doing this until the shyness has gone, until you feel really good about what you are telling yourself.

3. Keep focusing on these positive things.
Set an intention that you will focus on these things on the list so that you remain positive. After setting this intention, when you become aware that you are having negative thoughts, get your list out and get in front of that mirror and change your energy back to that loving appreciative YOU that you are.

4. Connect with this positive you.
Set time aside each day to connect with this positive you. First thing in the morning is good, every morning repeat the exercise with your list. This will convince your subconscious that this is the new you and will get you into that great feeling place each morning. Slowly in time those negative thoughts will fade away.

5. Create with this positive energy.
You can do anything! You are amazing! Anything you set your mind to, by thinking and believing. Anything you set your heart to, by feeling and loving. You can create. What do you want to add to the world?

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