Sunday, July 17, 2011

Church and best man

'Church is no place for a best man’s speech’: U-turn after all-in-one wedding plans spark sacrilege concern among clergy

By Mail On Sunday Reporter

Last updated at 11:25 PM on 16th July 2011
It was billed as an ideal way for couples to cut costs on their big day – by holding their wedding reception in the church where they had just married.
The scheme, under which vicars offer couples budget ‘all-in’ packages, including the service, food, drink and dancing in the aisles, has been strongly promoted by the Church of England as part of its efforts to halt a big decline in religious weddings.
But now the Church’s own legal advisers are pouring cold water on the practice – because of the risk of ‘bawdy speeches’ and drunkenness in sacred places of worship.
Wedding bells: A quick smooch outside the church and then back inside for the party?
Wedding bells: A quick smooch outside the church and then back inside for the party?
The Church’s Legal Advisory Commission, whose members include bishops and judges, warns vicars they must guard against ‘riotous, violent or indecent’ behaviour in churches, and ruled that such receptions should be ‘limited’.
It said: ‘Actions may take place during such receptions that are indeed inconsistent with the sanctity of the place, for example, bawdy speeches, rowdy behaviour or drunkenness.

‘Moreover, while dancing, and the playing of accompanying music, are not necessarily impermissible in a church, their extent and regulation calls for careful consideration . . .’
Party time: Not quite right for the House of the Lord, say the church's adviser
Party time: Not quite right for the House of the Lord, say the church's adviser
And churchwardens are told that they should be present throughout such receptions as they are the ones responsible for dealing with anyone ‘guilty of riotous, violent or indecent behaviour in churches’.
A Church spokesman said last night he was not aware of any rowdy behaviour during a wedding reception in a church.

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