Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to change good mood fast, from negetive to positive.

The desire to change the negative mood into positive, is just enough. When this desire is activated amid of terrible mood, a man can find the way out. And if this desire is not activated even the hundreds of books on changing mood won’t help.
Suppose your desire is activated
Then your heart will automatically let you know what you need to do. I can not fix any rule for you, each one us has separate or maybe common needs that change the mood.
Common things of physiology, psychology and emotions to change the mood:
  • Counting 1-10, or more.
  • Closing eyes and taking deep breath.
  • Going for a walk, or a ride.
  • Eating something you like, I prefer ice-cream.
  • Talking to somebody close to your heart.
  • Listening some music.
  • Searching Google for an article .
  • Reading something from your diary.
  • Writing something.
  • Remembering how you changed your mood last time.
  • Counting the terrible effects of negative mood.
  • Crying a bit then take some shower, or crying while showering.
  • Going for sleep.
  • Watching some movie.
  • Playing with kids.
  • Doing some gardening.
  • And lastly …
  • Leaving oneself on God’s mercy.
Above were the common things, what are your peculiar things that you do to change your mood?

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