Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to make everyone happy or Just do right now...?

Bad people would expect insensible things to be happy, and a good people would expect good things to be happy. Rare are the people, who are always happy without any kind of expectations.
So the question is: How to make everyone happy? It is impossible, isn’t it? What we can do is that: We can just do right things, no matter how other takes it or feels about it. We are not responsible for reactions but we are responsible for our own karmas, our actions.
Sometimes, when we start doing insensible things to make an insensible person happy, we lose ourselves somewhere … and when we keep on doing it repeatedly we become like that person, an insensible entity. So, it is crucial to check in what we do to make other happy, because we become what we do … it’s a serious affair...!!!

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