Friday, November 4, 2011

Sai Baba

  1. Truth has no fear; Untruth shivers at every shadow.
  2. The joy of being the master of senses is far greater than being their slave.
  3. Your duty is to pray for the welfare of the world and to work for it as far as it lies in your power.
  4. When the people become good, the world will become good.
  5. Do not seek to discover or discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own minds.
  6. If animal feelings are washed out, Divine feelings begin to overflow instead.
  7. True education is not for a mere living, but for a fuller and meaningful life.
  8. Foster Love
    Live in Love
    Spread Love
  9. Patience is all the strength that man needs.
  10. Food should not be too salty, too hot, too bitter, too sweet, too sour.
  11. Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with GOD, that is the state of meditation.
  12. TRAIN the mind to dwell on the inner equipment rather than the outer attractions. Use the mind to cleanse the feelings, impulses, attitudes, tendencies and levels of consciousness. Let it not accumulate dirt from the outer world and deposit them within itself. If it is attached to work (Pravriti Marga), the consequences of work get attached to it. Unattached work is the purest; it does not encumber the mind with elation or disappointment. "I did it", this is mine", these are the two fangs that make the individual poisonous. Pull out the fangs, the snake can be handled and played with as a pet.

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